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Official cooperation with Mexico’s universities

Updated: May 11, 2022

Blue Religion is now officialy partnered with Mexico’s universities. This way, students can work for Blue Religion as interns, gain experience in enviromental field and meet the requirement of their university for volunteer work.

In Mexico it is mandatory for the students from any university to comply with a certain number of hours of volunteer work. This work is called social service. Each university can choose from variety of institutions they’d like to offer to their students to work for and Blue Religion is now proudly one of them.

In Blue Religion, we highly appreciate this opportunity. Education is one of the pillars of our activities and we believe that the future of our planet depends on the young generation.

We have worked diligently on what we include in our program for the students are we are proud to announce it contains many interesting topics with the objective to contribute to overall welfare within the community.

Students who decide to choose Blue Religion will start with the introduction about our activities and within the four months of their internship, they can look forward to working in all the areas we focus on: pollution solving and clean-up organization, shark conservation and children education. Of course, if a student is already interested in one area specifically, we are prepared to deepen his knowledge in the given topic.

We are excited for this new challenge of introducing the students to the world of marine conservation and we hope this way we will bring even more people together for our mission to save the BLUE. After all, what is better than spending your time volunteering for a good cause, with enthusiastic people, and receiving university credit for it at the same time?

If you are a student and you would like to work with us, please contact us directly by e-mail:

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